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Jinan Guanding Machinery Supply Yanta


On September 28th, it is reported that Jinan Guanding Machinery reported that the mobile scissor elevator independently developed and customized by the limited company has been successfully installed and deployed, and has been successfully delivered to the project department of Yantai Daxing Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. for use, receiving high praise from users.
It is reported that Jinan Guanding Machinery has served over a thousand customers in Shandong and will continue to explore the Shandong lifting equipment market, enhance the sales share and influence of Jinan Guanding Machinery in Shandong, and lay a solid foundation for becoming an industry benchmark.
Yantai Daxing Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. was established on July 19, 2013, with a registered capital of RMB 85 million. The operator is Wang Bo, and the business situation persists. Business registration number 9137060007442093XL, registered address: No. 11 Guxian Street, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province

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